Friday, May 4, 2012

Nerdville: The Avengers

Tonight was opening night for, The Avengers, the latest in a long ling of Marvel movies. What makes this one so special? I have 6 words for you:

Captain America.
Iron Man.
Black Widow.

(Okay, technically that was 9 words. But 6 people, so that's close enough, right?)

All of them. In one movie. It's like I've died and gone to superhero-comic book nerd heaven. Not to mention the fact that it's directed/written by my all-time favourite sci-fi hero, Joss Whedon. Joss and I are, not gonna lie, pretty tight. I mean, sure, we've never actually met, but I've watched pretty much everything he's ever made with rabid enthusiasm (the one exception being Dollhouse -- sorry Joss. I liked it, but it's certainly no Firefly. It's not even a Buffy.)

Anyways, back to The Avengers. It was AMAZING. So, so, so, so, so, so good. I mean, I know I like superhero movies more than most people. In fact, I even do a fairly good job of tolerating the terrible ones (Daredevil, anyone?). But this? This was magic.

It goes without saying that the action and the fight scenes were phenomenal. How could they not be with that many heroes in play? But mostly I love how true to character they stayed (i.e., the various heroes spend most of the movie fighting each other over various ego trips) and Joss' brilliant humour, which he brings to all of his films (except again not with Dollhouse. What's up with that, Joss?). I'm not sure what is so inherently funny about the Hulk beating the crap out of our villain, but it's pretty damn hilarious.

If you like superhero movies, what are you still doing reading this blog? GO SEE THIS MOVIE. If you don't like superhero movies, shame on you.

Just kidding.
(Well, sort of anyways)

If you don't like superhero movies (really? really? who are you?), I still think you should go see this movie because it's a riotously fun ride. Is it ridiculously implausible? Yes. Does it involve a) aliens, b) genetic engineering far beyond our capabilities, and c) Samuel L. Jackson wearing an eye-patch? Yes, yes, and yes. What's not to love? Not a damn thing.

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